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Sweet Amor

About the Brigadeiro


"Olá" or "Hello"... this is how it all started. Two different cultures meeting and introducing to one another, each others worlds. There were a few things that each did not see "eye to eye" on, But a love for sweet treats and pastries was not one of them.


Diana, born and raised in Portugal, never left her true roots behind after relocating to South Africa. With that said, she introduced her husband, Matt, to the Portuguese Cuisine; A world far from his South African roots.


To this day Matt is not too sure if it was the Portuguese treats or his Portuguese wife that got a hold on him. 


It truly was their differences that inspired this sweet start to this adventure of introducing Portuguese delights to the Eastern Cape. 



A Brigadeiro or what we have decided to nickname it as a "Briga" for short. Is in fact a Brazilian chocolate truffle. That is commonly found every where you go in Brazil. However, it is no stranger to its sister country Portugal. 


This sweet delicacy is found in almost every Cafe in Lisbon going as far as the South and North of Portugal.


Our Brigas are hand made Brazilian chocolate truffles. They are a true delight for all chocolate lovers and gourmet enthusiasts alike.


Only fine ingredients are used to make these delicious balls of goodness. Soon there will be a whole lot of variety of flavours to choose from, each being rich and authentic.


These treats are best served chilled. In Portugal you would often buy a "Briga" accompanied with a "Bica"; an espresso.


We hope you love our Brigadeiros as much as we do.

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